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EVERYBODY IS WRITING MOVIES--AND WE'RE THRILLED ABOUT IT! Our request for physique movie plots has been most gratifying. Naturally they cant all be worked into movies but they all serve a vital purpose in letting us know what themes and ideas viewers would most like to see portrayed. No script is every thrown away, rather each is categorized and filed for handy reference. As we are able to work out the script the writer will receive a free movie (or if script is done as a still photo production, a set of prints.)

In writing scripts please visualize each situation pictorially. Without sound, we have only pictures to tell the story. Therefore avoid a very complex psychological situation. Describe the action of the actors, props etc. which will put your idea across. Avoid too many locales or passages of time which may be unwarranted in a short movie. Keep the cast down to 2, 3, or 4 maximum. Only a few actors can really be effectively introduced in a short 8 minute film, and remember actors are quite an expense.

Both for legal reasons and also because we personally find them unpleasant, we cannot work out films which show excrutiating torture, branding, sacrificing, grotesque brutality, cannibalism etc. However, modifications of these can sometimes be acceptable if the victim escapes or overpowers his tormentors before he has been made to suffer.

Many of the plots usbmitted have a good theme or a series of interesting incidents, but lack a basic plot build up to distinguish them from a million similar incidents which happen every day. To have Bob and Ray meet on the street, go to the gym, work-out, take a shower (scrubbing each other's backs of course) put their clothes on and go home, isnt quite enough to make an acceptable story-There must be something (continued)

(continuation of EVERYBODY IS WRITING MOVIES) different happen that makes their story somewhat unique.

One of the most important considerations for a small company is availability of backgrounds, props etc. We cannot build the Taj Majal, Egyptian pyramids, etc. Some of the backgrounds we have readily accessible to us include a Courtyard with block wall, Pool (which can easily be changed from comtemporary to Roman bath-type scene.), Cemented roof top which might pass for a Bagdad roof top, interior of a simple room.

If we make use of beaches, and various other public lands we must restrict ourselves scenes where the models have at least bathing trunks. Naturally to aesthetically inclined people too much covering is undesirable. We recently took a trip 250 miles to go down into Mexico but even there found it difficult to achieve privacy.

SUGGESTIONS FOR LOCALES FOR MOVIES APPRECIATED. If some of our Southern California readers have ideas of suitable locales where physique work can be done in complete privacy we would appreciating hearing from them. There may be friends with private ranches or estates providing interesting background facilities who would be willing to allow us to do work on their property.

The majority of plots which are submitted tend to center about a lake or stream, since this provides a natural opportunity for the actor to be without clothing. This type of background in particular is appreciated.

Though we use projected backgrounds on some of our still photos, this is not practical on movies without a set up which costs many thousands of dollars, as well as a shooting area many times greater than the modest studio we have available to us. Remember AMG-not MGM.



This scene is not from a movie, but we are eager to know if this seems like a good bit of business for a movie. We understand forcing a boy to take a schools, fraternity houses etc. How about some scripts on this theme. This is AMG photo XV7J. Center figure Thad Sullivan. 1 catalog pages in

trates many other duals. Rental price 1 month 50c (include also $5 deposit).